Version 7.1Version: 7.1Latest versionsSharing documents via Microsoft365 An added action allows you to share a document via the Microsoft365 platform with anyone. The…
Version 7.0Version: 7.0Latest versionsPropagation of process changes to existing workflows In older versions of the system, a change in a workflow procedure happens…
Version: 6.9Latest versionsChanges in list configuration The configuration of the list has been changed. In addition to the existing methods so far,…
Version: 6.8Latest versionsImproved performance of lists in the system In the new version of the system, the mechanism for handling lists has…
Version: 6.7Latest versionsAuto refreshing of the list The mechanisms for presenting data in the form of a list have been expanded. Now…
Version: 6.6Latest versionsCalendar – adding a new document The calendar view on the list has been expanded. The user can open a…
What’s new in version 6.5Latest versionsDigital signature on Mac/Apple The mechanisms of electronic signatures on documents have been updated. For users, it will mostly result…
What’s new in version 6.4Latest versionsCalendar redesign Calendars accessible in the system have been redesigned. Next to the basic functionality of displaying a list in…
New features in the 6.3 versionLatest versionsThe ability to edit an attachment in Office365 Integration with Office365 has been added. Once properly configured, the option to…
What’s new in version 6.2Latest versionsAction Wait New action which job is to suspend the process until the date defined in the configuration of the…
What’s new in version 6.1Latest versionsCapture data from an attachment The functionality of system learning has been added. The functionality helps creating connections between parts…
What’s new in version 6.0Latest versionsSystem actions for contractors A new category has been added to system actions: actions concerning contractors. Using the action, you…
Version: 7.1Added Sharing documents via Microsoft365Added Integration with cloud-based electronic signatureAdded Support for more than two addresses for the contractorAdded Changes to the decrement controlImproved Expansion of the Permissions action – adding structure and group selectionImproved The mass setting of replacementsImproved Archiving the structure treeImproved Expansion of the Copy Data action to support copying attachments between documentsImproved Multi-company on mailboxes and emailsImproved Extension of the action Create new based on files
Version: 7.0Added Propagation of process changes to existing workflowsAdded New system recommendationsAdded New system recommendationsAdded Automatic testsAdded Archiving of workflow proceduresImproved Additional option in notification scheme scheduleImproved fn_Get_WoPr_List – adding new columnsImproved Validation of the conditions of maturity/correctness at the approval of the workflow stepImproved Ability to configure the subject of the email sent from the workflow stepImproved Email notification when AD-HOC operatesImproved Changed the display of user name
Version: 6.9Added Changes in list configurationAdded Expansion of the control of workflow step executorsAdded Changing the presentation of workflow executionAdded The status of the document after the process is startedImproved Expanding KSeF integrationImproved Archiving of paymentsImproved Easier access to editing system elements
Version: 6.8Added Improving system performanceAdded Updating KSeF module to schema 2Added New activity type - end of processAdded Expanding the substitution mechanismAdded Managing currencies in the systemImproved Changing the invoice correction controlImproved Change the printout of the workflow historyImproved Expanding the pending actionImproved System variable - logged-in user groupImproved Year, month, day operators for date fieldsImproved Changing the step-back mechanism
Version: 6.7Added Auto refreshing of the list Added New action: change field values for emails Added Clarity of administrative steps on workflow Added Editing without saving an attachment opened in the browser in read-only mode Improved Invoice Correction field expanded Improved Default value of the currency field Improved New lines when displaying comments Improved Changed form configuration view Improved Expansion of the Print action with the ability to insert an image for printing Improved Ability to disable the schedule without deleting entries
Version: 6.6Added Adding a new item from the calendar Added Permissions to surveys Added Expansion of the workflow process startup schedule Added Action Convert to PDF Added Company accounts on document Improved Expansion of template generation action Improved Expansion of integration with KSeF to include correction invoices Improved Expansion of document retrieval action from KSeF Improved KSeF date download actions Improved Expanded action for creating a new document Improved Automated sending of notifications on task submission Improved Changes on the system configuration form Improved Expansion of the substitution widget Improved Change of the preview of attachments in comments Improved Change in handling of archive contractors
Version: 6.5Added Digital signature on Apple MacAdded Loop on documents in the workflow Added Managing consultations on the workflowAdded Configuration of system notifications appearenceAdded New variable in system notificationsAdded Expansion of the conditions in a processAdded Undo the consultation step in the workflowAdded Role for editing blocked documentsAdded Grouping workflow stepsAdded Control of field requirement in the workflow rejection pathAdded Action Stop workflowAdded Action WaitAdded Action Print to XLS
Version: 6.4Added Calendar redesignAdded Refreshing the questionnairesAdded New action used for downloading e-mailsAdded New action for starting workflowsAdded Native HTMPL previewAdded Dynamiczne filtrowanie listImproved Workflow, step done by supervisorImproved Expansion of notification scheme configurationImproved Copying of the lists attributesImproved Easier search for documents sent to the archiveImproved Exclusion of field completion during OCRImproved Substitutions in the case of multiple companiesImproved Word attachmentImproved Change in the configuration of choice attribute - groups
Version: 6.3Added Integration with Office365Added Display of KSeF e-invoicesAdded Anonymization of attachmentsAdded Ability to remove modules from the applicationAdded Ability to preview the Password fieldAdded Configuration for an assortment-based listImproved Streamlining procedure editingImproved Improved handling of contractors' bank_accountsImproved Możliwośc ustawienia ilości znaków w opisie dekretacjiImproved Updated list of countries in the TIN fieldImproved Ability to navigate to payment documents through the Custom Number fieldImproved Themes - setting the color for a non-editing field
Version: 6.2Added Action Wait Added Integration wit the KSeFAdded Starting the process on scheduleAdded AutoNumber column of the list of attributesAdded Ability to open shadowbox with options in the assignmentAdded Comments to workflow in the tab commentsAdded Extending possibilities of performing workflow step by the superiorImproved Changing the way the process startsImproved Updating the librariesImproved Distinction_on_the_list_of_itemsImproved Expansion of the action Create a documentImproved Ability to use action Change field value regardless of authoritiesImproved Upgrading the subsystem AI from the NAVIGATORImproved Turning off the recommendation on the type of document
Version: 6.1Added Capture data from an attachmentAdded The creating a document from a file actionAdded Change the contractor's data based on a document actionAdded Create dictionary item actionAdded Function to change a numeric value to textAdded Block removal above statusAdded Display the contents of the container in columnsAdded Personalizing of the appearanceImproved Extension of the Copy report optionImproved Automatic link setting in the commentImproved Managing the visibility of buttons in the workflow procedureImproved Faster adding categoriesImproved Default category in the Contractors moduleImproved Improvements in logsImproved Easier removal of list columns
Version: 6.011 / 10 / 2021Added System actions for contractorsAdded Expiry of file sharingAdded Conditional highlightingAdded Configuration of bank account on a documentAdded Supporting language on the login panelImproved More intuitive user editingImproved User groups – expansionImproved Possibility of changing the separator in the own numberImproved Adding a data set and automatically calculated field in the Company fieldImproved Field calculated automatically – ContractorImproved Attachment change history in File PanelImproved Restrictions on adding attachmentsImproved Informing about errorsImproved Adding the possibility of selecting the parameter company
Version: 5.901 / 07 / 2021Added System actionsAdded Upgrading the system versionAdded Attachment editing historyAdded Visibility of the buttons in the menuImproved Rotate the scanImproved Display of the system fields Last name and First nameImproved Modification of the Start and End date attributesImproved Posibility of adding new document from the Related documents widgetImproved Configuration of opening documents from the listImproved Tag displayImproved Managing of the possibility to add a new tagImproved Units of measurement archivingImproved Changing the account assignment view
Version: 5.831 / 03 / 2021Added Anonymous formsAdded External document sharingAdded Embedding a graphic signature in a PDFAdded Automated e-mail processingAdded Unsaved document alertImproved Changes in the way substitutions work
Version: 5.731 / 12 / 2020Added Theme color editorAdded Preview as the other userAdded Support of roles assignment for groupsAdded Bulk operations on multiple objectsAdded System settings editing from within the systemAdded New form types: user form, group form
Version: 5.630 / 09 / 2020Added Change of themeAdded Adding multiple attachments on a documentAdded Managing comments in a workflow step: setting visibility and requirement options
Version: 5.530 / 06 / 2020Added Possibility to add two objects on one formAdded Mechanism of nesting workflow proceduresAdded Possibility to create subgroups of user groups
Version: 5.430 / 03 / 2020Added AI service expansion: general Data capture model for invoicesAdded AI service expansion: support for the detailed modelAdded Introduction of the action mechanismAdded New File splitter serviceAdded Photo scanner serviceAdded Possibility to rename the path in the workflowImproved Changing the mechanism for sending notificationsImproved Migration to the new version of notifications after the system upgradeImproved Change in bank accountsImproved Recruiting configurationImproved Setting the name of the printoutImproved Translation of names in the organizational structureImproved WebDAV improvementsImproved Change of the sender in e-mails sent from the systemImproved Log viewing raportsImproved Ability to use attributes on budget scenariosImproved Changes to the automatic calculation of fields on the formImproved Changing the presentation of the list of attributesImproved The ability to preview video files