
System version

Personalize the menu


Menus are all buttons that are on a document or list, for example Save, Add, Exit etc. They allow you to work and navigate freely in the system.

Actions available on the menu

Each menu can consist of the following actions that can be freely arranged:

  • Update detailed model – if the document has the OCR option turned on and a detailed model is created for it, the button updates this model
  • Add – opens the document form that you want to add to a given category or module
  • Add many – opens the document form that you want to add, but the form has an additional “Next” button in the upper right corner, which, when clicked, opens another form, and the previous one is automatically saved
  • Add multiple with OCR – the operation is the same as described above, in addition, when you add an attachment to the document, it will be automatically subjected to the “evaluation” process
  • Edit – opens the document, task, etc. in the edit mode
  • Edit form – opens the form, on which the document is based, in the form creation mode.
  • Change history – opens a window with the history of document editing
  • Copy – after selecting a document on the list, creates its copy
  • Next – opens the next document in the list
  • Specify as model – used only if the document has a contractor control. It allows to define a given document as a model document for a given contractor. Related to Rewrite.
  • Download attachments – if the document has attachments, they are downloaded
  • Convert – transforms a document into another, rewriting the fields and attachments (this button must be programmed separately in the code)
  • Move to archive – moves the selected document / documents to the archive
  • Rewrite – if you have a specific model document for a given contractor, then after clicking, the data will be completed based on the template.
  • “Action” buttons – buttons that are selected on a given document in the Settings tab, in the Buttons section
  • “Print” buttons – creates a printout of the selected document. The data to be printed is taken from the Settings of a given document in the Printouts section.
  • “Import” buttons – allow you to import data from an excel file and on its basis create a new document / documents. The data for the buttons are loaded from the Settings of a given document from the Import buttons section.
  • “Convert” buttons – system conversion of a document into another. This means that only the built-in fields that are the same on both documents will be rewritten. The data is loaded from the Settings of a given document in the Transformation section.
  • Run workflow – if documents are not selected in the settings, the workflow should start automatically, you can use this button to start it
  • Delete – removes the selected document / documents
  • Create QR code – creates a QR code assigned to a given document
  • More – the button with the only option with a drop-down list. Its task is to expand the list with other buttons to choose from.
  • Withdraw from archive – restores the selected document from the archive to the place it was originally moved to the archive
  • Exit – exits the document to the list or from the document editing mode to the preview mode
  • Save – saves what was created at the current moment
  • Manage Permissions – allows you to add, subtract or overwrite existing permissions for a given document
  • Change category – allows you to move a given document to another category
  • Verify bank account – checks if the bank account is on the white list
  • Verify VAT status – checks if the contractor has an active VAT status
  • Verify VAT-EU status – checks if the contractor has an active EU-VAT status
  • Verify all VAT statuses – checks the VAT status and the VAT-EU status at once

Creating and editing the menu

To create a personalized menu, go to the Settings -> Personalization -> Menu module and click Add.

 In the Type field choose Menu. The Table fields will appear in turn, where you choose which table the menu will apply to (if you select Documents, it means that the menu will not be visible on the lists that relate to, e.g. tasks or contractor), Code – abbreviation or code that identifies the menu and Name – the name we will give to the menu. Finally, click Save.

The menu will appear in the list on the left as the last item. It will be selected by default, so click the More -> Add button right away.

The window for adding a new menu item will open

  • Type – to choose from: Menu, Button, Separator. The menu is used only once at the very beginning of creation. A button is any menu component that will perform an action, while a Separator is a line that separates the button sections under the More button.
  • Parent element – the parent element under which the created element will be displayed
  • Code – abbreviation of the name or individually selected code for an element
  • Name – the name that will be displayed on the button.
  • Action – a selection list with the actions described earlier
  • Redirect to – after completing the URL address, the created button will redirect to the indicated address. If the field is completed, the Action field have to be left blank.
  • List – determines whether the created element is to be displayed on the list. If so, you can choose when to do so. Always means that an element is visible continuously, For one – an element visible when only one document is selected on the list, For many – an element visible when more than one document is selected on the list
  • Details – the element will be visible in the document preview mode
  • Edit – the element will be visible in the document editing mode
  • Position after – Specifies the order of the item in the menu

At this point, creating the menu is based on adding more elements that differ in the action being performed.

Connecting a menu on the list

The menu can be different for the list and document. To set the menu on the list, go to the Settings -> Personalization -> Lists module. Select the list for which we want to set a new menu and click Edit. Select the appropriate value in the Menu field and click Save.

Connecting the menu on the document

To set a new menu on a document, go to the Settings -> Personalization -> Types of documents module and edit the selected type. Go to the Form tab and select the appropriate item in the Menu field. We save the changes.

NOTE: An empty Menu field means that the list or document has a system menu set by default.

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