
System version

System settings available in the database

All system settings are stored in the table [Sg]. To refer to the table, just type the SELECT * FROM Sg query and execute it by pressing F5 or the Execute button in the SQL Management Studio. After executing the command, all the attributes from the table will be displayed. The value in the Value column is responsible for enabling / disabling a given setting. The reference to a specific attribute and its update will be described separately for each setting.

Login password settings

There are four password entries in the database:

  • Periodic password change required
  • Setting the period after which the password is to be changed (if a periodic password change is required)
  • Password strength policy, required to create a password according to certain rules
  • The ability to change the password when one does not remember it
Periodic password change required

The attribute is referenced by entering the command: SELECT * FROM Sg WHERE Code = RequirePasswordChange ’.

The value in the Value column:

  • 1 – the password must be changed after the specified time
  • 0 – password does not need to be changed.

To update the value, enter the command UPDATE Sg SET Value = ‘0 or 1’ WHERE Code = ‘RequirePasswordChange‘.

If the setting has been enabled, it is also required to set the period after which the password change will be required. In order to refer to the attribute that stores the period value, enter the command: SELECT * FROM Sg WHERE Code = “PasswordChangePeriod”.

The value in the Value column is given in months. In order to update, enter the query: UPDATE Sg SET Value = ‘Number of months’ WHERE Code = ‘PasswordChangePeriod’

Requirement of creating a password according to the rules

The attribute is referenced by entering the command: SELECT * FROM Sg WHERE Code = “EnforcePasswordPolicy”.

The value in the Value column means:

  • 1 – enforcing strict password policy. Password has to contain: lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and a special character. After three unsuccessful attempts, the password is blocked for 15 minutes. The password cannot consist of the user’s login in whole or in part. It does not allow to use the last three user passwords and repeat the sequence of at least 4 characters.
  • 0 – user can create a password without rules

In order to update the value, enter the UPDATE Sg SET Value = ‘0 or 1’ WHERE Code = ‘EnforcePasswordPolicy’ command.

“Forgot Password” availability on the login page

The setting applies to the possibility of changing the password available on the login page.

The attribute is referenced by entering the command: SELECT * FROM Sg WHERE Code = ‘VisibleForgetPassword’.

The value in the Value column means:

  • 1 – displaying “I forgot my password”
  • 0 – hidden “I forgot my password”

To update the value, enter the UPDATE Sg SET Value = ‘0 or 1’ WHERE Code = ‘VisibleForgetPassword’ command.

Contractor related settings

Change of the Tax Identification Number prefix

The default prefix value is always PL. If you want the prefix to be different, first find the ID in the [CoPr] table that is assigned to the given prefix. To do this, enter the SELECT * FROM CoPr command.

On the list,  find the prefix you are interested in and the assigned ID.

Then go to the table [Sg] and enter the command SELECT * FROM Sg WHERE Code = ‘DefaultNIPPrefix’.

The Value field contains the prefix ID from the [CoPr] table. In order to update the value, enter the command UPDATE Sg SET Value = ‘ID prefix from the CoPr table’ WHERE Code = ‘DefaultNIPPrefix’.

Adding a contractor with the same tax identification number 

The default setting does not allow adding a contractor with a tax identification number that is already assigned to another contractor. However, if such a possibility is allowed, You can change it in the database. Current setting can be checked by entering the SELECT * FROM Sg WHERE Code = ‘AddContrahentWithTheSameNIP’ command.

The value in the Value column means:

  • 1 – you can add a contractor with the same tax identification number
  • 0 – you cannot add a contractor with the same tax identification number number

In order to update the value, enter the UPDATE Sg SET Value = ‘0 or 1’ WHERE Code = ‘AddContrahentWithTheSameNIP’ command.
