Propagation of process changes to existing workflows
In older versions of the system, a change in a workflow procedure happens only in new documents. Documents on which the procedure had previously been run passed the procedure according to the old version.
In the current version, the ability to propagate changes in the procedure to already running workflows has been added.
After starting the propagation procedure, the list of documents that will be changed appears. After confirmation by the user, the system will change the setting in the workflows procedure in all the documents shown.
New system recommendations
In Navigator, there are recommendations based on the AI engine that comes with the system. It tries to learn, based on various characteristics, to assign the most likely values. Such a solution is not always needed, sometimes a simple historical recommendation is enough. In the current version of the system, such an option has been added.
Recommendations work on the basis of invoices or other types of documents for a given contractor. If I have 10 invoices from Archman, of which 8 are for MPK “IT Department” and 2 are for “Finance Department” then when describing invoice 11. the system will insert recommendations “80% IT Department”, “20% Finance Department”.
Information about the dependencies of form elements
The form for creating and configuring forms has been expanded. A tab has been added in which the dependencies of the selected element are shown, that is, information about where the element is used or what refers to it. In the tab we have information about:
- Processes and steps of the process on which the attribute is used in the condition
- Actions on the process in whose configuration the attribute is used
- Lists on which there is a column based on the attribute set as Always visible
- Attributes on the form in which the condition depends on the attribute.
Automatic tests
A library for creating automatic tests in the system has been prepared. Thanks to this library, a set of automatic tests can be prepared during the implementation for key system functionalities produced as part of the implementation. This will significantly facilitate and reduce the time spent, for example, on upgrading the system version.
Archiving of workflow procedures
An option has been added to mark workflow procedures as archived. The option works in a similar way to archiving for documents or other objects. If a workflow has the Archived flag set, it is not visible on the standard list of workflows, a user with permissions can switch to the archive and see such a process at any time. He can also pull the process from the archive. An archived process cannot be selected on the document type as the default process, nor can it be started from a button on the document.
With this modification, it will be easier to keep the system in order without permanently deleting procedures. It will be enough to archive unused processes.
Additional option in notification scheme schedule
The schedule configuration in the notification scheme has been expanded. To the option Weekdays, i.e. days from Monday to Friday, the option Working days has been added which excludes all holidays (holidays)
fn_Get_WoPr_List – adding new columns
The function for building standard process lists has been expanded. Columns have been added to store information whether the workflow procedure is configured as a loop and whether the process is run according to the schedule.
Validation of the conditions of maturity/correctness at the approval of the workflow step
The mechanism for calculating the requirement and correctness of fields has been changed. Until now, these conditions were not calculated when a workflow step was approved from the list of documents or from the list of actions on the workflow, as happens when a document is in edit mode on a tab other than the workflow.
In the new version of the system, the condition of correctness and due is always calculated, regardless of how the step was approved.
Ability to configure the subject of the email sent from the workflow step
The ability to change the subject of an email that is sent from a workflow procedure has been added to the system configuration.
Email notification when AD-HOC operates
The behavior of the system has been changed. Now, when adding an ad-hoc step on the workflow, a standard email will be sent informing about the pending task.
Changed the display of user name
A new option for displaying users has been added. In addition to the existing “First Name and Last Name” and “Last Name and First Name” there was “First Name and Last Name (Login)”. This setting can be found in Settings > Other > Settings in the Users section.
The effect on the document looks as follows: