Capture data from an attachment
The functionality of system learning has been added. The functionality helps creating connections between parts of attached files, e.g. invoices, correspond to the fields on the form. In the standard version, the system tries to guess this assignment by itself, but it is limited to a certain defined set, such as NIP, gross, net, VAT, etc. If we have non-standard fields that we want to transfer from the attached file to the form, we need to learn the system from where take this data.
In the new version of the system, it is enough to select the field to which we want to download the data, select the area of interest on the attachment and start the capturing procedure. The system in the background will call the appropriate procedures that will start learning the AI system to recognize the connection of the area on the attachment and the fields on the form defined by us.
For the functionality to run, the attachment must be a file with a text layer. This means that you need to run the OCR procedure on the uploaded attachment, which will add a text layer to the file if it is missing.
The creating a document from a file action
An action has been added that allows you to create a new document based on a file. This allows, for example, to download an e-mail and call an action with an attachment from the e-mail. The system automatically recognizes the document type, completes the fields and creates a document.
The action works in the same way as the Hot Folder functionality. After starting the action, the OCR procedure is launched, which will process the file so that it contains a text layer and then run AI procedures that will recognize and classify the document. In the action configuration, we can specify the document type and category directly, but if we leave them empty, the system will recognize the document type based on the data from the file.
Change the contractor’s data based on a document action
The action allows you to change the value of the contractor’s fields based on the data from the document. It can be used to complete the contractor’s data, e.g. after recognizing the value on an invoice document.
In the NAVIGATOR system, each change of the value of a field on a contractor results in a new instance of an entry about the contractor in the database – for the sake of maintaining the integrity of archival documents – therefore the action returns the ID of the newly created record.
Create dictionary item action
The action allows you to add a new item to the dictionary. We can indicate the dictionary manually or use the information contained in the form from which we run the action.
The action returns the ID of the newly created element.
Function to change a numeric value to text
A system function has been added, which enables the conversion of digital recordings into words. The syntax for the function is as follows:
SELECT [dbo]. [AmountInWords] (@Value, ‘minus’, ‘EUR’, ‘ct.’)
The @Value parameter is a variable that must be associated with the field from the form (the Generate parameters option).
The second parameter is the string that will appear in front of the word value if the value is less than zero.
The third parameter is the text that will appear between the integer and the fractional part. The default is the currency (“PLN”).
The fourth parameter is the text that will appear at the end of the string, by default it is the word “gr”
The other parameters are text variables that can be omitted. The default values are shown in the example below
You can use it to enumerate the value of a text box, for example:
The effect of the action on the form is as follows:
Attention, this function works only in polish, you cannot use it to produce text in english
Block removal above status
Document type configuration has been enhanced. An option to block the possibility of removing an attachment and a document has been added. Above the given status specified in this option, no user can delete attachments, although he can add them and he cannot delete the document.
Display the contents of the container in columns
A new property has been added to the container configuration – Content in columns. If you select this option, the elements placed in the container will not be placed one below the other, as in standard containers, but next to the other.
A similar effect can be achieved by using a container within a container and by adjusting the width of the inner containers. For standard form elements, such as the Numbering and Dates group, it is still the most effective method of modeling the appearance of the form. However, in some cases, when there is a small number of elements to be placed, for which we are additionally unable to define the width well, the Contents in columns option was created.
A standard example, shown in the screen above, is placing buttons on a form or desktop. You can easily and quickly configure the correct view of the form, in addition, we are sure that the built-in functionalities, e.g. form responsiveness or the view in mobile mode will be preserved.
Increasing the possibility of personalizing the appearance
In the theme configuration, we can add the company’s logo, which is displayed in the lower left corner (under the list of applications / modules) and the ability to change the favicon (the icon displayed on the browser tab bar next to the name).
The options are configured through Settings> Personalization> Themes. Ultimately, the logo looks like this:
Extension of the Copy report option
The report copying option has been expanded with functionality that allows you to specify the place where you want to copy the report. Currently, you can choose more than one place, just select the appropriate checkboxes next to the options:
Automatic link setting in the comment
The functionality of the standard editor used e.g. for adding comments has been improved. Now, after pasting or entering a link to the comment, the system will automatically recognize that it is a link and mark it appropriately, so the user does not have to perform any additional configuration activities.
Managing the visibility of buttons in the workflow procedure
A functionality has been added that allows configuration of buttons related to workflow, e.g. ad-hoc operation or delete workflow. The person administering the system can configure workflows so that only selected employees will see individual buttons and thus they will be able to call appropriate functions.
As standard, two roles of Module Administrator and Standard User are added to the system. All buttons are visible in both roles.
Faster adding categories
The “Add” button has been added to the forms for adding categories. In a situation where we want to add several categories, we no longer have to exit the category edition and select the Add option from the menu again. Just press the Add button after saving the new category.
Default category in the Contractors module
In the new version, the default category can be set in the configuration of the Contractors module. This allows an easier adding of new elements of the counterparties type, without the need to indicate the category by the user.
Improvements in logs
System logs have been extended by adding a column in which information about errors generated by system extensions will be stored.
An option to automatically send an email with information about errors to Archman has also been added. The option can be configured through the system configuration form: Settings> Other> Settings
Easier removal of list columns
The possibility of easier removal of columns from the list has been added. If we create a list based on the document type, the system automatically adds columns corresponding to all the attributes active on the document type. Usually, we don’t need to have all of them on the list. Removing each column separately was very tedious. Now you can select multiple columns and delete them with one command.