
System version


What’s new in version 6.5

Digital signature on Mac/Apple

The mechanisms of electronic signatures on documents have been updated. For users, it will mostly result in the easier environment configuration. In addition, from now on it is possible to make digital signatures on MacOS devices.

Loop on documents in the workflow

The workflow procedure has been extended by adding the possibility to start the workflow on the document list. In such a configuration, the procedure is started for every document on the list.


When you combine this functionality with a scheduler and list filters it can be used to for example update fields on a document.

Managing Consultations on the workflow procedure

There has been added possibility to set permissions for consulting. Inside the process configuration, a designer can turn off the option of forwarding actions for consultation.


Configuration of system notifications appearance 

In a 6.5. version a possibility to configure the appearance of system notifications has been added.

  • Adding logos
  • Possibility to configure footer
  • Possibility to add new additional information from the document

Configuration of notifications can be found in Settings > Others > Settings. To set the appearance of the notification, create a page description in HTML with the appearance of the notification and paste the scheme into the control for the selected language.

The significant change is the possibility to match the colors of notifications with the color scheme used in the system. If we change the color scheme (ex. to match company colors) the notifications will be also in new colors.

System notifications – new variables

The new version implemented the possibility to add notification fields from documents, that couldn’t be accessed before. List of new fields:

  1. A variable {{detailss}} for documents has been expanded with fields:
    • Foreign number
    • Owner
    • Contractor (shorter name)
  2. A variable {{applicationUrl}} – Link to the application (main link to the application dashboard) has been added.

Link to the application can be inserted with the variable {{applicationUrl}}, other information was added to the already existing variable {{details}}. After it is inserted into a notification we will be able to display a foreign number, owner, and contractor data next to the currently displayed information. There is no way to insert a single variable, ex. owner onto a notification.

Expansion of conditions in a process

The mechanism of designing conditions while in the workflow has been expanded. In older versions, it was only possible to compare the field’s value to a constant or to the function, ex. current date. From the 6.5 version, we can also compare fields with each other.

Undo the workflow step by the user who sends the consultation

We also expanded a workflow procedure configuration. A possibility to undo a consultation request has been implemented. It means, whenever a user is an executor of the workflow step, after sending the document to consultation, he can undo his recent action. Undoing the last workflow step will result in canceling the consultation request.

System function allowing the edition of blocked objects

A new system function has been added, which allows you to build roles in the system enabling the edition of blocked documents. It applies to the situation when in the document type settings we have configured a document lock above the status.

The function is called “The function allows you to edit the document and form fields on which editing restrictions have been imposed”. When you add this function to the user’s role, the user will be able to edit locked documents (option Lock above the status in a document type) and fields inside the document with editability turned off by conditions.

Grouping workflow steps

The next thing that has been added to the platform is the possibility to group actions inside the workflow. The grouping mechanism does not influence the workflow procedure, but only the way of displaying the diagram. It became especially important after introducing system actions.

Currently, very often in workflow procedures, there are 3-4 actions one after the other, which actually perform one transaction, e.g. create a new document, rewrite data and grant permissions to the document. Such constructions obscure the view of the process. By grouping, you can display such a fragment as one activity.

Control of field requirement in the workflow (rejection path)

As a standard, as part of the configuration of the workflow procedure in the NAVIGATOR system, it was possible to control the visibility, editability, or requirement of each field. While the first two settings worked when displaying and editing a document that was at a specific workflow step, the mandatory requirement worked only when the approval path was selected at this step. When rejecting a the workflow step, conditions were not checked by the system, so the field could have been left blank (even when it was set as mandatory field).

In the current version, the configuration of the field’s requirement when selecting the rejecting path has been introduced. This means that the system designer can force the field to be filled in when rejecting and when approving a document. Moreover, it can be a different field in each path.

Such a change allows you to build forms on which you can more easily, for example, force the reason for rejecting a letter.

Changes in the files panel

Files panel – option Show attachment

A new option has been added, which allows, on the form configuration level, deciding if the attachment should be visible by default or not. It helps to manage the appearance of a form, especially when the files panel takes a small portion of the form’s space.

A new way of attachment display

A new option for displaying attachments that are set on the list of attributes has been added. Now we can show the attachment inside the pop-up window after hovering over the attachment name with the cursor.

Action Stop the workflow

A new action, which ends a workflow on selected documents, has been added.

As action parameters, we have to select a table, in which all the objects (Documents, Tasks, etc.) and ID of these objects are located. Here we can choose either a system variable or a field from the form, in which the collection of object identifiers is being stored.

Action Wait

A new type of activity in the workflow has been added – Wait. The operation can be configured similarly to every other activity with the only difference that it can only be performed automatically. 

The most significant difference is how conditions of execution work. Usually, a condition is checked before the activity starts and if it is not fulfilled, the activity is omitted in the workflow or the process is stopped due to a lack of alternative paths. In particular, if no conditions are met on the workflows to which the paths lead, the workflow will end.

In the case of Wait action, the system checks conditions and if they are met, the workflow will move on to the next step. However, when requirements are not met, the workflow stops for 15 minutes. After time passes the conditions are checked again. What that means is that the workflow is waiting until the condition is fulfilled.

Action Print to XLS (Excel)

A new action has been added, which enables you to generate an XLXS (Excel) file based on the lists from the NAVIGATOR system. This function has been possible for lists for a long time, but current modification allows creating actions that can be used in the workflow procedure or beneath the button, and mechanisms enabling you to specify a field on the form as a source of data to be printed (e.g. control of related documents).

As action parameters, we need to select a list (from the system or field in the form), a table in which objects from the list are being stored (ex. Documents) and the ID of the object we are referring to (ex. ID of the object in which the list is nested). In this case, we can use an environmental variable ID document.

Action “modify selected” for budgets

We also expanded an action “Modify selected”, used in NAVIGATOR’s system menu in a way, so it can be used with budgets.

After adding this action to the Budget menu on the budget list, an option “Modify selected” appears.

Action Modify selected allows for mass elements (field) changes on the form. After choosing fields and setting values, the change is implemented for every one of the selected documents. Below is a simple example of this action in practice:

Archive contractors

Contractors management is now more optimized. Many times after contractor data has been changed, a user would fix it inside one of the documents and save it. That caused problems on other documents, where the contractor was being labeled as an archive and locked for edition. To solve it we had to update the data about the contractor inside the database.

In the current version, a button has been added to the contractor’s control that automatically updates the contractor to the latest “version”, i.e. it updates all data on the current document.

Comments – within one company in multi-company

A new functionality has been added, which limits who can be mentioned in the comments inside multi-company systems. Thanks to that, the risk of data leakage is greatly reduced.

The mechanism has been built into the system and cannot be switched off.

The name of the activity inside the error message


The error logging inside the system has been expanded. Next to the already existing information in the error message, the name of the activity in the workflow causing the problem will also appear. It’s especially crucial when we are using actions because finding errors in the line of automated tasks containing actions would be extremely hard to deal with.

Possibility to change the way of workflow history sorting

The option to change the sort order of steps in the workflow control has been added. Up to this point, on the top of the list, we could find the oldest steps, while new ones (even waiting steps) were at the bottom. The change introduced a possibility to reverse this order so that the oldest steps will be at the end, and new, waiting ones on the top of the list. 

The settings of workflow history sorting can be found in Settings > Others > Settings in the Application section.

Changing the method of password encryption

Due to security requirements, the password encrypting mechanisms inside the NAVIGATOR system has been updated. These algorithms are used for protecting users’ passwords, external system passwords (ex. post servers) and Password attributes encrypting.

This change won’t influence the user’s work. It shouldn’t even be noticeable to them.

Button Accept and next

A new button has been added, which enables you to accept a document and switch to the next waiting document within one step.
