Sharing documents via Microsoft365
An added action allows you to share a document via the Microsoft365 platform with anyone. The action sends a link to the document to the specified address, the person who opens the link will be able to edit the document.
Typical scenario for using the action:
- Adds action to the workflow step
- When the process is reached at this step:
- The indicated file is transferred to OneDrive
- A link is generated with an expiration date calculated based on the action configuration
- An email is sent with the information and the link to the address indicated in the action configuration
- The system checks every specified time whether the document in OneDrive has not changed and if it has, it substitutes it
- The process waits until the time specified in the action configuration
- After this time the file is downloaded to Navigator and removed from OneDrive. The process goes to the next step
Integration with cloud-based electronic signature
The ability to sign using the DocuSign cloud service has been added to the existing methods of signing documents in Navigator.
After configuring the connection, a new item will appear in the signature options – Sign with DocuSign
After selecting this option the system will send the document to the cloud and redirect the user to the DocuSign service to sign the document.
Support for more than two addresses for the contractor
The contractor form used in the system has been expanded. A new control has been added, which allows adding any number of addresses to a contractor.
At the same time, the control used on the document form has been modified. The new control allows easy selection from among all available addresses.
Changes to the decrement control
Paging of decrements
When it is necessary to break up a decrement into multiple elements, the list of decrements becomes inconvenient. The new version introduces a mechanism for paging of decrements.
Description field for each item of account assignment breakdown
The decrement control has been expanded so that now, after a split, a description of the decrement can be added to each item.
Expansion of the Permissions action – adding structure and group selection
The permissions actions have been expanded. To the existing options – permissions for a specific user – alternatives have been added that allow managing permissions for elements of the organizational structure such as departments, divisions or positions, and for groups.
The mass setting of replacements
The function for managing pending actions has been expanded. Users with appropriate permissions can set substitutions for all selected documents from the list.
Substitutions work analogously to substitutions added manually to documents from the workflow control level.
Archiving the structure tree
The mechanism known from documents, tasks or budgets, i.e. the ability to move elements to the archive, has been added to the organizational structure.
This mechanism allows us to keep the elements of the system in order. Instead of deleting elements we no longer use, we move them to the archive.
Expansion of the Copy Data action to support copying attachments between documents
The Copy data action between documents has been expanded to support copying attachments.
Two copy options are available: Copy attachments and Overwrite attachments.
Multi-company on mailboxes and emails
Mailbox configuration has been expanded to include the ability to assign a mailbox to a specific company in a multi-company model.
This makes it easier to manage mailbox permissions and allows tighter integration of company-dedicated processes with mailboxes.
Extension of the action Create new based on files
To the action “Document: Create new” based on files a new parameter has been added: Start workflow.
The parameter can take the following values:
1/ if I select YES the default procedure is loaded (if selected for the document type).
2/ if I select NO – the workflow will not be started.
3/ if I indicate any field with procedure ID – the selected procedure will be loaded instead of the default one (if the document type parameter has been completed).