How can we help you with the configuration and in using NAVIGATOR?
Improved Expanding KSeF integration
Improved Archiving of payments
Improved Invoice Correction field expanded
Improved Default value of the currency field
Improved New lines when displaying comments
Improved Changed form configuration view
Added Permissions to surveys
Added Action Convert to PDF
Improved KSeF date download actions
Improved Expansion of the substitution widget
Added Calendar redesign
Added Native HTMPL preview
Improved Workflow, step done by supervisor
Improved Copying of the lists attributes
Improved Word attachment
Improved Streamlining procedure editing
Added Action Wait
Added Integration wit the KSeF
Improved Changing the way the process starts
Improved Updating the libraries
Improved Distinction_on_the_list_of_items
Improved Extension of the Copy report option
Improved Faster adding categories
Improved Improvements in logs
Improved Easier removal of list columns
Added Expiry of file sharing
Added Conditional highlighting
Improved More intuitive user editing
Improved User groups – expansion
Improved Restrictions on adding attachments
Improved Informing about errors
Added System actions
Improved Rotate the scan
Improved Tag display
Improved Units of measurement archiving
Improved Changing the account assignment view
Added Photo scanner service
Improved Change in bank accounts
Improved Recruiting configuration
Improved Setting the name of the printout
Improved WebDAV improvements
Improved Log viewing raports
Improved The ability to preview video files
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