
System version


System actions: Documents

Group of actions based on the documents, i.e. objects saved in the Do table. 

Create new

This action is used to create a new document in the system. In this action, you cannot directly change the values of the fields in the document but you can perform some standard operations such as copying attachments, converting from an existing document, or creating a relationship. If you need to change the value of a field in a document, you must use the Change Field Value or Copy Field Value actions. A typical pattern of creating a document with setting field values is described at the end of this article.


To create a new document, a number of parameters must be specified. These parameters are selected from the drop-down fields in the action configuration. Note that in the drop-down fields you have a choice of both variables and constant values of the Yes, No type. Such fields require a logical value, which can be given directly by selecting Yes or No or by indicating a field on the form, e.g. checkbox type, that contains a logical value.

User: The user indicated here will be assigned as the document creator.

Document type: Type of a document. You can choose it directly or indicate the field on the form in which the document type is stored. 

Document category: You can choose the category from the dictionary or the field on the form that stores the category. 

Company: You can choose the company from the dictionary or indicate the field on the form which stores the company. 

Transform: Yes – the document will be created from an existing document rewriting values, alements and creating a relation between documents. Instead of a Yes/No value, you can select a field from the form that contains a Boolean value.

Documents to convert: A field on the form that contains the document ID or System Field: Document Id. The indicated document will be the source for the transformation. The transformation works analogously to a regular transformation in the system. Keep in mind the limitations of the transformation in the NAVIGATOR system, if you need more functionality than copying built-in fields you should use the Field action: Copy field values.

Create relation: After selecting Yes, a relation between the created document and the document that started the workflow will be created. Instead of the Yes/No value, you can choose the field from the form that contains the logical value. 

Consolidation type: A value from the dictionary – consolidation type. You can also select a field from the form that contains an indication of this value.

Copy attachments: When select YES all attachments from transformed document will be copied.

Copy the bindings to documents: When select YES all relations from transformed document will be copied.

Copy the bindings from the document: Select the document ID from which relations will be copied.

Save ID in: In this field, you can indicate the field from the form where, after creating the document, the ID of the newly created document will be saved. If you want to store the ID of the created task in order to use it in copy actions or change the values of fields, you must create a technical field of the integer type on the form from which you create the task and use this field to store the value of the ID of the created document. This field does not have to be visible on the document type, it is important that it is active.

Create documents from files

Action allows you to create a new document based on a attachment file. Works in the same way as the Hot Folder functionality and using AI processes.

Files to be processed: Indicate the attribute from which to get files to be processed. You can also enter the system field ID.

User: The user indicated here will be assigned as the document creator.

Document type: Type of a document. You can choose it directly or indicate the field on the form in which the document type is stored. 

Document category: You can choose the category from the dictionary or the field on the form that stores the category. 

Company: You can choose the company from the dictionary or indicate the field on the form which stores the company.

Save ID in: In this field, you can indicate the field from the form where, after creating the document, the ID of the newly created document will be saved. If you want to store the ID of the created task in order to use it in copy actions or change the values of fields, you must create a technical field of the integer type on the form from which you create the task and use this field to store the value of the ID of the created document. This field does not have to be visible on the document type, it is important that it is active.

Copy field values

This is a non-standard action that serves to copy values of form elements between different types of objects in the NAVIGATOR system. In the current version, it enables you to copy values between Documents and Tasks. It can be used to copy within one type (e.g. from Document to Document) or between types (e.g. from Task to Document). It can be found in a separate action category: Field: Copy Field Value but since it is closely related to document management it is mentioned here.

A detailed description of the action can be found in the System Actions: Fields document

Change fields value

This action allows you to change the values of fields on the form. You only need to provide the ID of the document which fields you want to change and the user ID that will be used as the modifier of the document.

Document: A field on the form that contains the document ID or System Field: Document Id.

User: The user indicated here will be assigned as user modifiyng the document.

Field Values: To change the value of a field, select the field from the drop-down list, making sure that the form matches the form of the document you want to change, and define an expression to calculate the change. The expression has the form of an SQL query that works just like any other query in the system. You can use SQL functions and parameters. As parameters, you can choose system variables.

Typical use of document creation actions

In NAVIGATOR, the actions of creating a new document and changing field values on a document are separated. You cannot create a document with fixed values in one action, you must use two actions performed sequentially. A typical action usage pattern is as follows:

Step 1:
On the form where a new document will be created, you create an integer field that will be used to store the ID of the created document. This is a technical field, it does not have to be visible to the user. It is important that it is active on the type of document.

Step 2:
You create a workflow procedure, then add an action that will create a new document of the appropriate type. Remember to indicate the technical field in the Return field. This way, you will have the ID of the newly created document written on the document.

Step 3:
In the workflow procedure, you create an operation in which you configure the action of changing field values or copying field values. In the configuration, you need to specify the document ID (value change) or the destination document ID (value copy). In this field you insert a reference to the technical field from step 1, where you saved the ID of the created document.

Step 4:
When copying field values, you can specify the system variable System Field: Document ID as the source document ID. This will ensure that the source of the values to change the fields will be the document from which you ran the procedure.

Step 5:
In this field, it is possible to configure the value of the fields that you want to change. 

It is worth mentioning that within one action you can only change the values of fields or copy those values from one form. Therefore, if necessary, you should define several actions to be performed sequentially, e.g. Create document > Change field values > Copy field values (form1) > Copy field values (form2). Such a sequence will allow you to perform the task of creating a new document based on values from different places in the system.


An action that is used to delete documents from the system. Only two parameters are required: ID of the document to be deleted and ID of the user who is deleting the document.

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