
System version

System fields: Tasks

This article describes fields typical for task form, i.e. object based on the Ta table. A description of the form structure, attributes, and embedded fields available for all object types is available in the article Attributes and standard built-in fields

Simple attributes 

System alerts: System Alerts widget. Allows you to add an alert from the task level.

Parent element: a field that can be used to build a task structure. It indicates the task which is superior to the initial task. A field that is used to specify subtasks e.g. using the Work Breakdown Structure method.

Code: a system field used to store e.g. a barcode

Order: The field related to the parent element, defines the order of the task related to one parent task. This field indicates which task the current task should be after.

Assessment Criteria: Text box. Used to enter assignment evaluation criteria.

Account Number: Text field, allows you to enter the account number

Reference number: A text field that is partially automatically calculated. It consists of fixed elements like letter marking, automatically calculated elements like current month or year is taken from another system field like document date and consecutive number. The configuration of the own number elements is in the document type configuration.

Responsible person: a system field, allows you to indicate the person responsible for the task. The owner is selected from the list of company employees.

Perspective: A dropdown list. Allows you to select a perspective of the task from a dictionary (e.g. financial, customers, etc.)

Tags: Allows adding tags, i.e. predefined labels to the tasks.

Task planning and accounting

The following fields refer to task planning. You can plan duration, costs, project results. These fields are generally used together with the actual data to compare the plan with the realization date.

Planned number of days: The planned number of days to complete the task. It can be calculated manually or automatically based on the planned start and end date of the work.

Planned number of working hours: Planned workload in hours to complete the task

Planned number of points: Planned workload effort counted in points. Used in scoring the labor intensity of a task

Planned cost: Planned task cost

Planned income: Planned income resulting from task performance

Planned start date: The planned start date of the work. The value can be given manually or calculated automatically based on the relationship between tasks – for example, information that a task starts after another task is completed.

Planned finish date: planned completion date.

Progress in the task: A field indicating the percentage progress of the task. It can be completed manually (in case of a task that does not have subtasks) or automatically based on the progress of subtasks.

Time reserve (in days): numberic field, specifies the reserve for task completion.

Actual number of days: The actual number of days it took to complete the task. Can be calculated automatically based on the actual start and completion date of the job.

Actual number of working hours: Actual number of hours spent on the task

Actual number of points: Actual number of points assigned to the task

Real cost: Actual cost of the task

Real income: The actual revenue generated by the task

Actual start date: The actual start date for work on the task. Can be given manually or calculated based on links to other tasks.

Actual Finish Date: Actual task completion date

A typical example of using the above-embedded fields is to build a table that shows a summary of planned and actual quantities. An example table containing deadlines looks like this:

or a table showing the costs:

this element’s configuration looks like this:

Complex attributes

Files: this widget allows you to add files (attachments) to a task. It works similarly to the File panel attribute, but in addition, allows you to easily add screenshots – by taking a screenshot (PrtScn key) and pasting it into an open window.

Gantt Chart: a widget that allows you to insert a static Gantt chart on the form

Relations: This widget defines the dependencies between the start and end dates of the task. There are three options to choose from: Starts After, Starts With and Ends With which specify how the start or end of the task is calculated. You need to specify the task you are going to refer to and a possible delay. The delay can be a negative number, for example, -2 means that the task will start two days before the end of the specified task.

Resources: This field allows you to schedule and account for resources used in the project. It can be employees, equipment, materials, or costs. All resources are selected from the corresponding resource dictionary

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